Why Attending Awards is Important – And Why It’s Not Just About Winning

When you hear the word “awards,” your first thought might be the glamorous event, gala dinners and trophies – the moment the winner’s name is called, and they stride triumphantly to the stage. But here’s the truth: attending awards ceremonies is valuable even if you’re not walking away with the much-coveted trophy. Whether you’re a finalist, nominee, or simply a guest, awards nights offer a whole world of benefits.

At Don’t Panic we experience first hand why attending awards is important and why getting up on that stage is not what it is all about!

1. Networking Nirvana

You have ‘dressed to impress’ and you’re in a room filled with the best in your industry—leaders, influencers, and top-tier talent. It’s basically the Oscars of your career field and there is even a step and repeat photo opportunity. Attending an awards ceremony offers you a unique opportunity to mingle with the movers and shakers of your industry. Whether you’re having a casual chat over a glass of fizz or sharing the excitement of the awards ceremony, there’s something magical about the relaxed yet high-energy vibe of these events.

people chatting
Networking at the drinks reception.

Connections made here can lead to collaborations, partnerships, or new opportunities. The simple act of showing up puts you in the right place to make some of the most meaningful contacts in your industry. Let’s be real: many of the deals or partnerships that spark in digital happen not in the boardroom, but at live events when everyone is in high spirits.

2. Showcase Your Brand—Without a Sales Pitch

Here’s the thing: an awards event is like a giant platform for your personal or corporate brand, but without the pressure of a hard sell. By attending, you’re associating yourself with excellence, innovation, and the movers and shakers of your field. You’re positioning yourself as someone who cares about the industry, staying connected, and being part of the bigger picture.

Even if you’re not directly competing for an award, you are there as a participant in the conversation, and it’s the perfect venue to share what you and your team have been working on. Every conversation is a chance to build awareness around your projects, goals, and vision. And because everyone’s in a celebratory mood, it’s easier to talk shop without sounding like a digital marketing obsessive or worse a sales person. Instead, you’re building authentic connections.

3. Learning From the Best

Award nights are a masterclass in inspiration. Being in the room, you get to witness the brightest minds being recognised for their hard work and breakthrough ideas. Listening to their stories, struggles, and triumphs will give you insight into the trends and innovations that are shaping your industry. Think of it as a front-row seat to see what’s working, what’s next, and how others are thriving.

Even if you don’t win (this time), the exposure to top talent in your sector can fuel you, and your teams, ambition and creativity. These stories can be the push you need to explore new strategies, embrace bold ideas, and aim higher for the next awards season.

4. Motivation for Your Team

Attending an awards ceremony is not just about personal glory—it’s about the team. Recognising the hard work, long hours, and dedication of your colleagues is essential for keeping morale high. Even if you don’t win, just being nominated can be a huge boost.

It’s also an opportunity to show your team that you value their efforts. Taking them along to an awards night is a tangible way of saying, “Hey, look what we’ve achieved together.” Plus, a night of dressing up, celebrating, with some dancing thrown in is a great way to bond outside the office walls.

5. Enjoy the Celebration!

Let’s not forget one of the most important reasons to attend: it’s fun! Awards ceremonies are full of energy, glamour, and excitement. From the suspense of waiting for the winners to the joy of watching colleagues and peers be recognised, these events are celebrations of success and creativity. It’s a chance to unwind, enjoy a fancy dinner, and soak up the good vibes.

And who doesn’t love an excuse to dress up and treat themselves to a night out?

Final Thoughts

Sure, winning feels great. But attending awards isn’t just about the trophy—it’s about connecting with others, gaining inspiration, showcasing your brand, and motivating your team. Awards nights are about being part of something bigger than yourself and celebrating the collective success of your industry. Whether you win or not, you’ll leave with something valuable.

And… there’s always next year!

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What to Wear to An Awards Ceremony

Award Season has arrived, so the burning question is what to wear?

Dress to Impress – a phrase that puts fear in us all is demystified by the Don’t Panic Team.

As event organisers, we are uniquely placed to offer advice and guidance as you navigate through the season.

Dress to Impress! What does that even mean?

According to Google’s AI ‘dress to impress’ means semi-formal or cocktail attire! We don’t know about you, but that definition is as clear as mud! You can drink cocktails wearing anything you like!

Given Don’t Panic run awards throughout the year where we meet attendees with the same what to wear questions, here is our advice!

Comfortable and Confident

Whatever you wear to an awards ceremony, make sure you feel comfortable and confident. Formal or semi-formal wear might not be your thing, so we recommend you do you for a special occasion.

Black Tie and Cocktail Dress?

Yes, absolutely wear black tie, or a wow dress! If you are celebrating and your aim is to look mighty fine, then these options are not going to look out of place. At every award we have ever delivered, and those we have attended, there are always guests who opt for suits and black ties, and dresses of all colours, shapes and lengths with accessories to match. It is all about personal preference.

Jeans or Trousers

This is a controversial subject. The reputation of jeans being casual (dare we say scruffy) is long gone and paired with the right shirt, blouse and or jacket can look impressive. If you feel happy to network, take to the stage and shake some moves on the dancefloor in your jeans then we say ‘why not?’

Shoes – Flat, High or Trainers

If you are attending an event with a drinks reception you are going to be on your feet for an hour at least, chatting, networking and taking advantage of photo-opportunities and there may not be seating available. Avoid shoes that maybe a trip hazard, if you are at an awards event and win you will be taking to the stage which inevitably means steps. From our experience most events will include dancing so unless you want to go barefoot to the dancefloor bare this in mind when making your choice. Our advice is to be comfortable whether that means flats, heels, platforms or boots!

Work Wear

When life is busy you can find yourself going to an event straight from work with no time to change! If you are comfortable, then no worries you will always be welcome. However, if you are not comfortable in your work wear, then it will require some planning in advance! That might mean thinking about what you are wearing to work and how you can adapt it or dressing for your event and wowing your colleagues all day. Alternatively, ask your event organisers if there is space for you to change and freshen up at the venue.

Three Important Questions to Ask Yourself

What Impression Do You Want to Make?

Your style says everything about you and can help you spark a conversation, make a business connection and attract opportunities.

How do you want to look in the photographs from the night?

Events are the perfect opportunity to promote your business and brand especially when it comes to marketing during and after. Pictures of the event will be available for you and your team to use and will inevitably be used for event promotion. This is an opportunity to shine, your way.

What is the Venue and What Time of Year is the Event?

Why does this matter I hear you ask? Well, it appears to us that summer events have a more casual air. If the weather is warm, you can see jackets cast aside and let’s be honest more flesh on show. Equally if temperatures fall jackets become a must and tights and long dresses make an appearance. In Summer events may negotiate indoor and outdoor spaces, in Winter travelling to and from venues will involve coats, scarves and umbrellas! So, as well as being comfortable, be practical too.

Dress to Impress?

Somewhere, hidden in this statement is the answer to what to wear. We think it lies in who you want to impress and that is a balance between you and your comfort zone and the impression you want to make on fellow attendees.

Whether you dress up, do smart-casual or just arrive looking relaxed if you are happy you are going to have a great time, and that is what matters most.

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Economical Entrepreneurship: Strategies for a Thrifty Startup

If you’re starting your own business with little to no financial backing, you’re going to need a lot of creativity and some smart strategic planning. By using the resources. you have and digging deep into your skillset, you can successfully launch a business without sacrificing your financial security. And with these tips shared below by Don’t Panic Events, you can set yourself up for success.

Tap into Your Network

The people in your life right now will be the people you’ll want to reach out to first. Family, friends, and even coworkers can provide you with tips, advice, and maybe some financial support once you’re ready to go. Beyond these folks, you can tap into your social media contacts from across the wide range of platforms currently available. And if you haven’t talked to someone in a long time, maybe now’s the best time to rekindle that connection. Your network is a powerful ally during the early stages of your business, so make the most of it.

Establish a Robust Online Presence

Connecting people is easier than ever these days, which is why you need to start building your online presence right from the jump. You can kick things off with a professionally designed website that highlights and showcases all of the products and services you have to offer. Once your site is up and running, head to social media and start promoting your business. After all, connecting and engaging with your followers is easy to get them interested in what you’re selling. And last but not least, spend some time adding real, valuable content to your site. There are plenty of resources available to help make all of this possible.

Get Familiar with SEO

Every small business owner with an online presence needs to learn all about search engine optimization (SEO). However, you’ll need to think beyond keyword stuffing — modern SEO is about optimizing your entire website so you can bring in more organic traffic. The best thing about SEO: you can learn this yourself. So, instead of paying someone a lot of money to optimize your site, spend a weekend diving into YouTube videos and online how-to tutorials. With everything you’ve learned, you can help your website rank higher in search results.

Exploring Low-Investment Business Ideas

Naturally, there are many business ideas better suited to those who are strapped for cash. For instance, if you’re an animal lover at heart and don’t mind spending time with other people’s pets, starting a pet-sitting business is an excellent low-cost option. Are you into physical fitness? Do you have a love of sharing that knowledge with others? Becoming a personal trainer not only allows you to pursue something you love, but it’s also affordable to get started. Who knows? Your favorite hobby could be the secret to a low-cost business startup.

Deliver Exceptional Customer Service

There’s one thing that can turn people away from your business quicker than anything else: bad customer service. That’s why you always need to go above and beyond to ensure your customers are happy and satisfied with the products and/or services you provide. If you make someone happy, they’re more likely to return and recommend your business to others. At the same time, if you skimp on customer service and leave them with a bad taste in their mouths, people will spread that info around on social media as quickly as they can. Besides, providing great customer service is easier than damage control.

Maximize Self-Sufficiency

When you’re starting a business with very little cash, you really can’t afford to hire people to help you out. This means you’ll be doing a lot of the heavy lifting yourself while you’re building and growing your customer base. As mentioned about SEO, there are tons of online resources available that can help small business owners gain a deeper, richer understanding of how businesses operate. What’s more, these resources can teach budding entrepreneurs how to handle things like taxes, budgets, business plans, and so much more.

Is starting a business with very few resources difficult? Definitely! Starting any sort of business is difficult, but it can be more complicated when you’ve got very little money to work with. However, by using your personal network and taking steps to make your online presence a smashing success, you can overcome these financial challenges and rise to the top.

Author: Charlie Michaels from Entrepreneur World

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The Benefits of a Media Partnership on Events?

Experts when it comes to running and delivering awards, conferences, festivals and networking events the team at Don’t Panic deliver over 30 events a year, both live and virtual, across the world. We know what a great media partnership looks like and why the benefits are win/win.

What is Media Partnership?

A media partnership is a mutually beneficial collaboration between an event organiser and a media organisation, such as a publication, broadcaster, or online platform. The partnership aims to leverage the strengths of both parties to achieve shared goals, typically involving the promotion and coverage of an event.

Media Partnership is a great opportunity and economically viable proposition for businesses who want to raise their brand awareness and connect to new targeted audiences.

The Audience

When choosing to become a media partnership, it is important to weigh up the audience that you want to target and how the partnership aligns with your business goals.

Our primary audience are digital marketing agencies that are looking to achieve industry recognition at one of our Award events. However, our events are a celebration of good practice, and we also receive entries from big brands with in-house teams, tech and software companies and eCommerce businesses. With awards celebrating everything from company culture to search and paid media our audience is guaranteed to be innovating and working at the top of their industry.

Awards are a celebration of outstanding work and the people that are behind the results. If you are looking to align your brand to the reward and recognition of those working at the top of their field, those setting new benchmarks in ways of working then Awards are an excellent opportunity.

Who Are Don’t Panic and What is their Ethos

Don’t Panic have over 20 years of running events and awards across a multitude of digital marketing areas of expertise including business tech, content, search, paid media and company culture.

Award categories are carefully designed to reflect business behaviours, trends and latest developments within the industry. Don’t Panic Awards are accredited by the Independent Awards Standard Council, Awards Standards Mark, and we are proud to have achieved Gold Standard on all our Awards that are 2 years old or older.

Our exciting live events are always ‘a night to remember!’ Guests are welcomed with a drinks reception which is followed by a gala dinner. Celebrity hosts introduce the award sponsors, partners and categories before winners are announced to huge applause and a photographer snaps the action as trophies are jubilantly received. The evening ends with entertainment and dancing until close.

Man celebrating an award win with branding

Live events are an opportunity for networking which is a huge part of the evening as entrants, sponsors and partners connect.

Mutual Promotion and Visibility

For a media partnership to work successfully both parties have to be fully committed to promotion.

At Don’t Panic the earlier you become a media partner the more coverage and opportunities are available.

As event organisers we are looking to give our partners:

  • Brand visibility and recognition through the event promotional materials (emails, website, social media and at a live event, onsite branding)
  • Opportunity to provide short and long-form content for emails and blogs for the relevant Award website.
  • Invitation to the event, to present an award and network directly with attendees.

In return we ask for:

  • Event exposure through the media partner’s channels (websites, email, social media and podcasts)
  • Opportunity to provide valuable short or long-form content appropriate to mutual audiences.

It is all about like-for-like marketing and a combination of strengths to create a win-win outcome.

Media Partners & Don’t Panic

We already work with some incredible media partners who promote our events. You may have seen them at some of our live events and you will have seen their logos and blog posts on our website.

Current Partners: Tribe Global, Pimento, Digital Agency Network, Boost Awards, The Lighthouse, Social North, Flow State, Agency NXD and Search Engine Journal.

Become a Don’t Panic Awards or Event Partner

To explore a partnership with Don’t Panic, email [email protected]

Sue can discuss the alignment of our individual awards with your business and look at ways in which we can work together.

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Top Challenges faced by Business in an Economic Downturn

Businesses across the UK and around the world are experiencing the impact of the economic downturn and the first 5 months of the year have, to put it bluntly, been a slog!

Both the UK and US face uncertain weeks and months ahead due to elections, wider worldwide conflicts continue to dominate outcomes, especially in eCommerce due to shipping routes and supply.

However, business continues! So, let’s talk about the day-to-day obstacles we face and share some tips for riding out the challenges, because from what we are reading the forecast for the future is bright (ish).

Day to Day Business Challenges

Common factors that affect our day to day are:

  • Budgets and limited resources
  • Client losses
  • Talent acquisition
  • Work-life balance and company culture
  • AI Good vs Evil?
  • Social Responsibility and Sustainability

Budgets and Limited Resources

Whatever business you are in and whether you are working in an agency or an in-house team you will know that a big bang is expected from a small buck right now. Resources for marketing, brand awareness, talent acquisition and living are all limited.

Client acquisitions are difficult, and competition is fierce! Making a win is crucial.  

You know what though? If budgets and resources are limited for you and your clients, they are limited for your competition and the clients you want to win! You are not alone in the downturn. We know that is not a tip, but it helps to recognise that what you are achieving on a tight budget is still making an impact and that impact is relative. Where growth is crucial, in a tough economic environment even small wins and profits are worth counting.

Don’t Panic Awards, which recognise outstanding work across a plethora of disciplines, all ask the important question ‘What was your budget?’ Why? Because our independent expert judges recognise that what you achieve with a budget is as important as the outcome itself.

Client Losses

With clients looking for that big bang on a limited budget, there are bound to be disappointments when it comes to outcomes and sadly disappointment means clients will shop around for their next partnership and agency. It is a fact of agency life!

If you can hand on heart, say, you did the very best you could with the resources then, as the infamous break-up quote goes, “It’s not you” it is their expectation!

Establishing relationships and open and honest communication is the way to build a relationship that overcomes the highs and lows and flourishes with longevity!

Continuing the needless route of love and relationships, if you love someone let them go, it might be they come back to you in the long term, especially given what we noted earlier… everyone is on a limited budget right now.

Talent Acquisition

Finding the right talent for your business is not a new challenge. The digital industry has reported that talent acquisition has been problematic for several years.

When your checklist for talent includes fills a skills gap, aligns with company values and affordability; and theirs includes: opportunity for growth, commensurate wages and work life balance, there are a lot of considerations to juggle, heightened when budgets are limited.

Is talent sharing an option, when you know an individual has what you need, but they work for another agency? If it is good enough for the Football leagues where ‘on loan’ is part of the journey to becoming top class, surely it can be adopted more readily in business, especially in a world with honour and NDAs.

Or more practically is a collaboration between agencies with differing talents to deliver outcomes the answer. Alliances with your competition is an option for delivering projects, campaigns and results. Alliances are an opportunity to skill share and learn from one another a win/win whilst you negotiate through the difficult economic climate and perhaps a whole new way of approaching projects?

At Don’t Panic we believe part of the beauty of our Awards events are the opportunity to connect with like-minded companies and individuals and share best practise, whoever is setting the benchmark.

Image shows the challenge of working together.

Work-Life Balance and Company Culture

Is work-life balance more important than salary? A Reuters study in January 2024 revealed workers prioritise work-life balance over pay when considering their next role and that future prospects, training and company culture played an important part in their decision-making.

In a study by Hays, employees shared their belief that work life balance is not just about hours and flexible working but also about supporting employees to develop and progress at a pace appropriate for the individual.

Company and workplace culture is making the difference when it comes to attracting the right talent and the right personal fit. Finding the right person who demonstrates the skills and experience you are looking for, but who are also a good cultural fit is not easy. When the job market is tight the interview process is as much for the candidate’s benefit as yours.

Communicating your company culture, and not just saying but proving it is vital. Social media channels are a great way to show the personality of your business and team, and you can be sure that candidates will be looking before they even apply. Culture isn’t only about office socials and the fun stuff, it is also about the policies you have to support and develop your staff, how you approach your social responsibility and what your diversity, equality and inclusion initiatives represent.

Investment in culture, including small personal touches can make a huge difference to your teams. Show you care, reward effectively and most importantly listen and be flexible.

AI Good vs Evil

AI has been around for a long time but over the past 18 months it has hit the headlines and there has been an explosion in interest which has seen a shift in the adoption of tools and technologies, but it still remains a challenge.

Sadly, for agencies, AI has now given clients the belief that they can go it alone and do work themselves without understanding the limitations and pitfalls.

Having AI as part of your pitch including details of how you use it successfully and why it isn’t as easy as it seems, is a must. If clients want high rankings on Google or other search engines making sure AI content doesn’t fall into the traps and cracks is complicated and we guarantee attempting it with no experience will end in ultimate failure and no bang for their buck!

Content, which has seen most of the press coverage, is just one aspect of the AI experience however we believe this is where clients and businesses think they can save money. You are working with AI every day so be sure to share your knowledge and experience around AI as many clients won’t be aware of all the technologies available to improve customer journeys and engagement. Expertise is where agencies can step in to make the difference. What to a client seems like a cost-saving opportunity, could simply be an unnecessary expense in the long term.

Did you spot the AI error in the header image? We bet your clients won’t!

Social Responsibility and Sustainability

What we notice more and more currently, is clients are increasingly concerned with relationships where businesses align from a social responsibility and sustainability values point of view.

Following the Paris Agreement, many companies are now setting net zero baseline figures and putting together plans to meet the 2050 targets.

More and more businesses are signing up to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals pledge and gaining Bcorp certification to show their commitment and take accountability for sustainability actions.

Having green and environmental credentials is increasingly attractive for business relationships including those with clients and employees, especially when accountable to one another, and Scope 3 becomes crucial for effective carbon footprint management.

Even though we all know that social responsibility and sustainability is a challenge that does not come easy and costs impact profitability, we need to be committed and passionate as 2050 will soon be upon us, and we do owe respect to the planet and the next generation.

Overcome Challenges by Investing in Award Entry

When budgets are tight, entering Awards will often take a backburner when it comes to spending, however, Award recognition can ease the pain regarding all the above day-to-day challenges that businesses currently face.

You are much less likely to lose clients if you work with them in becoming Award-winning. Collaborating on an award entry is exciting as well as an opportunity to reflect on the work you have done. Your belief in your project will shine through and that will be infectious.

Regarding talent acquisition, agencies that make a shortlist, or indeed win awards are attractive propositions for job hunters with a pick of opportunities.

Our Company Culture Awards are a celebration of work-life balance, health and wellbeing initiatives, and ESG commitments, winning one or more of these precious awards demonstrates to clients and talent your personality and ethos and can be the perfect way to showcase what your business stands for and who your people are.

As for AI, Don’t Panic, our newest Award, The UK AI Awards will be launching in November. It will be your opportunity to show how you are mastering AI tools and technologies to analyse behaviours, drive customer experience, create acquisition strategies and create content that remains engaging and original. Keep an eye out on our channels for updates on the awards.

For all our Awards visit the Don’t Panic Awards page or contact our incredible Account Executives who will guide you to the most fitting awards for your business.

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Mental Health Awareness Week at Don’t Panic

MD, Helen Barkley shares her thoughts on Mental Health Awareness at Don’t Panic and how the team are supported wherever they find themselves in the world.

This week marks Mental Health Awareness Week, and we at Don’t Panic feel it provides an all-important and much-needed time to reflect on the challenges and struggles that many people face when it comes to their mental health.

As a Managing Director and a working mum, I’ve experienced first-hand the impact that mental health issues can have on our personal and professional lives and felt it important to acknowledge and encourage others not only to prioritise their mental health and well-being but also to share their experiences too.

Mental health issues do not discriminate and can affect absolutely anyone and everyone at any stage in their lives. As someone responsible for leading a team and driving a business to success, I too am not immune to the stresses and pressures that come with the job. The nature of the work we do at Don’t Panic has high stakes and we must be incredibly quick-witted and provide solutions extremely quickly… it is the nature of the beast.

A high-pressure role in a fast-paced industry mixed with the added responsibility of balancing professional with personal can be extremely challenging. Often being present feels impossible and it seems you can never be in one place for long enough. This is especially true when we are constantly travelling to destinations to deliver stunning events. On the outside, it looks glamorous, but the reality is you are running on broken sleep, poor diet, and logging on when you have a spare moment whilst still checking in on the family you have left behind.

With all these pressures, the one thing that I feel is undervalued in these circumstances is communication. Communicating with your team and family when these pressures take hold can be hugely helpful. Unfortunately, I know people still feel shame in admitting they are struggling or feel they are a burden for asking for help, but this simply is not the case.

For me personally, sharing that I have a child with additional needs has been extremely empowering not only have I found a network of people who are experiencing the same challenges as me, but I have received so much understanding from colleagues who empathise and simply want to support. The feeling of isolation has certainly lifted.

Through my personal challenges, self-care just hasn’t been enough and sometimes professional help is necessary to navigate through the complexities of mental health. There is no shame in seeking help I know choosing this path to preserve my own mental health has certainly made me a better person, better wife, better mummy and a better leader.

I know I and many of the team at Don’t Panic do not prioritise themselves. We do not protect our time the way we would an important meeting or an engagement that we simply must be at. My plea to them and others on Mental Health Awareness Week is that you take this as a reminder to make yourself aware of the times when you put your own needs at the bottom of your to-do list. Find your activity or the thing that brings you peace, make time to surround yourself with the things that make you happy and protect this time like you would any other engagement or commitment.

Ironically our sales manager and I have flown into Mental Health Awareness Week on a very tiring night flight, but we have made a conscious effort to take little moments to recharge when we can…for a change!

Your Guide to Entering Awards

Don’t Panic have been delivering Digital Awards for over 15 years and over the years the awards have evolved and grown. Our ‘Guide to Entering’ has seen a number of rewrites and reprints over the years, each building upon the experiences of entrants and judges. The newest edition is hot off the press, or should I say straight from the creative team and ready to be downloaded!

This is your ultimate ‘Guide to Entering’ Don’t Panic Awards

With the help of judges, finalists and winners we have collated top tips, 12 Steps to a Successful Entry and a guide to the entry process itself, including the terms and conditions that make us Accredited by the Awards Standards Council – Awards Trust Mark.

Never entered an award before and feel you need a little bit more help and guidance book a meeting with one of our team below:

For Search, Paid Media and Agency Awards: Book a meeting with Steph

For Digital Excellence, Content, Social Media Awards and eCommerce Awards: Book a meeting with Jordan

For Culture, Digital PR, Growth or the Global Content Awards: Book a meeting with Andrew

For Business Tech or Agency Awards: Book a meeting with Rob

5 Reasons why your brand or agency should sponsor a Don’t Panic event.

In today’s digital age, marketing and advertising have radically evolved. Brands are always on the lookout for new and innovative methods to promote their products and services. Sponsoring events has emerged as an effective way of engaging with audiences and creating brand awareness. And when it comes to events, Don’t Panic is the name associated with ethical, transparent and digital industry awards that celebrate cutting-edge digital campaigns, ground-breaking tech and software, and pioneering teams. As well as running Awards Don’t Panic also delivers networking events that bring together industry experts, agencies and teams who share their expertise and knowledge in relaxed settings that encourage discussion and collaboration amongst peers. These are excellent opportunities for sponsors to get up close and involved.

Exposure to a Targeted and Engaged Audience:

Don’t Panic has a reputation for hosting some of the most innovative and exciting events across various industries. The brand attracts a highly targeted and engaged audience keen on the latest developments in their respective fields. Sponsoring a Don’t Panic event means you will be presented with the opportunity to engage with this captive audience, all of whom are prospects that could be converted to loyal customers.

Benefit from a Strong Partnership:

Sponsoring a Don’t Panic event goes beyond just showcasing your brand to an audience; it also provides a great opportunity to build a strong partnership with a team who put celebration at the heart of what they do and with the large volume of entrants that participate annually in our award competitions. The team at Don’t Panic work closely with sponsors in order to construct a successful partnership that delivers results.

Brand Visibility and Recognition:

Sponsorship of Don’t Panic events provides a great platform for brand exposure. Your logo and message will be visible to all our attendees and our engaged database of, increasing brand recognition and awareness. With various sponsorship packages available, you can choose the level of visibility that suits your budget and marketing goals. Don’t Panic’s partnership is always fluid and we encourage sponsors and partners to submit content that expands their insights, communication and reach to the audience pre, during and post-event.

Community Contribution:

Don’t Panic prides itself on hosting events that benefit the wider community. As a sponsor, you will not only be promoting your brand and enjoying exposure, but you will also be contributing to the greater good. Supporting and celebrating the incredible work that is being showcased at the event and within the digital marketing industry maintains and sets standards for the future, something that partners can be proud to align their brand with.

Networking Opportunities:

Don’t Panic events offer a valuable opportunity for sponsors to connect with their peers, customers, and other industry partners. The events come with built-in networking opportunities that help sponsors connect with potential customers or partners, all while having a great time.

Next Steps

Sponsoring a Don’t Panic event is a great decision for any brand or agency looking to establish a presence in their industry, connect with a targeted and engaged audience, and build valuable partnerships. The opportunity for brand recognition, network building, and community contribution is invaluable. So why not take the first step and start exploring sponsorship opportunities with Don’t Panic today?

Download your sponsorship brochure for details of the exciting packages available at our awards ceremonies and contact Helen Barkley at [email protected] to arrange a meeting to see how a Don’t Panic collaboration can work for you.

Why We Champion Inclusivity at Events by MD, Helen Barkley

Over the past 12 months, my family have been on a personal journey in relation to my youngest daughter Ella.

Following some beautiful and quirky traits (“Ellarisms”) she began to display; we started on a pathway leading to a neurodevelopment assessment as these traits are conducive of Autism and Sensory Processing Disorder. This journey has not been easy and has involved many tears, turbulence day to day, and many hours of personal research and immersion into a new world we are trying to navigate and understand.

This journey is not one I have shared on a professional front; however, I now feel the need to share my experience and how it has opened my eyes to the lack of inclusivity for neurodivergent individuals within the events industry.

From personal experience, I have attended and delivered events that would be ‘sensory hell’ for my daughter and those who share the same traits, and I am sad I didn’t learn these lessons sooner so that I could bring attention to the issue and make changes earlier.

This week, coincidentally Autism Acceptance Week, I have spent time talking to incredible neurodivergent women who have shared their stories and inspired our team. They have lived experience of the event industry and Don’t Panic Events has a lot to learn as we start a journey towards events that are inclusive for all.

We are delighted to announce we will be working with Hannah B. who will be our Independent Neurodiversity Consultant. We know we have a lot to learn and Hannah is the perfect fit for our business and we trust she will guide us forward, to ensure no-one avoids our events.

I promise Don’t Panic will be working at pace to implement changes as soon as we can, and we will be announcing all measures we are adopting to ensure everyone can attend our Awards Ceremonies and Networking Events.

Please do get in touch if you have experiences you would like to share. Email: Awards@dontpanicprojects.com

Q1 News from Don’t Panic

Q1 for the Don’t Panic Team has been incredibly productive. 

We have already delivered 6 events from Australia to Europe to the UK, and entrants have already met 4 entry deadlines, with many more fast approaching in Q2.

I have been out and about, firstly to Pubcon in Austin with Sales Manager, Steph Gianfriglia, which was a chance to connect to our US Agency and US Search Awards entrants and learn about the latest trends in Search across America. 

Steph and I then headed off to SMX Munich to connect to our European entrants and to make new partnerships. The conference was an incredible opportunity to understand the latest SEO and SEM tactics that challenge Search marketing as well as connect with the We Are Search European contingent. 

Whilst in Munich we also had the privilege of attending an event delivered by Peak Ace which explored the impact AI will have on the future of digital marketing across every industry vertical. Given the noise AI is continuing to make amongst the Search community this was a great opportunity to hear an agency’s take on the advancements. Bastian, from Peak Ace AG has kindly shared the slide deck from the event which you can access below.

Steph returned home just in time to kickstart Q2 by overseeing the final entries in the European Search Awards and as with last year the award entry numbers and companies has grown, and record numbers have been set again. This year we have seen exponential growth which is a testament to the incredible work that is taking place across Europe. The judging for these awards will take place next week with the long-awaited shortlist being released on Friday 31 March, 2023.

As you may know we deliver Digital Awards across tech, growth, excellence, content, social media and culture, and this year we have seen increased numbers across them all. There Is clearly a desire to be recognised by industry experts to legitimise creativity, innovation and results. We are proud that our Awards really shine a spotlight on the incredible work teams and agencies across the world are producing. We are also extremely proud of how ethical and transparent our awards continue to be, we know just how important it is that our finalists and winners receive accolades that can’t be bought and are judged on the merit of the results and work they demonstrate. For all our Q1 finalist and winners we congratulate you on making it through the competition as the standard of entries we have received have been exemplary.

What next for us. Well, I believe the Don’t Panic Team need their own show of appreciation for all their Q1 efforts and achievements, so our Culture Club has arranged an afternoon of Escape Room fun, followed by pizza and drinks.

Then on Monday we will be back to business as usual as we head to into the delivery of our Q2 events. There is already huge excitement in the air at Don’t Panic as Q2 sees the return of the European Search Awards. We are also thrilled to be launching our Search and Sundowners fringe event in Lisbon in May as well as our first MENA Marketing Mixer in Dubai. As always we also have tonnes of entry deadlines coming up so if you need any support with your award winning entries, please reach out to our team [email protected]

To be part of the Don’t Panic Awards scheme, download the events calendar and we will hope to see you at an Awards Ceremony soon.

Don’t Panic Will be at SMX Munich

Come and meet Helen Barkley, Managing Director and Stephanie Gianfriglia, Sales Manager at SMX Munich – March 15 – 16, 2023. The conference is Europe’s largest for search marketing and we are delighted to be able to attend and share details of what, where, who, when and why. Don’t Panic award subscribers are eligible for a 15% discount on ticket prices, find the link at the end of the article.

Search Marketing in Challenging Times – Competing Effectively in a New Era

We are not in a difficult phase, even a crisis. We are at the beginning of a whole new era: resources are limited, budgets are not infinite, and challenges have increased. Our work must be better, more effective, and more sustainable. Wasting resources, budget and time is no longer an option. And more than ever, we need to understand our clients – because they have changed too.

That’s exactly why you shouldn’t miss SMX Munich: Two days of conference programme with up to six parallel tracks on SEO, PPC, Data & Analytics, UX, Content and many more online marketing topics, will provide you with the building blocks for the future. Learn from and discuss with 70+ speakers from around the world. You decide which topics are the most relevant to you right now, ensuring that your time and budget investment is used effectively and wisely.

The programme

This year’s edition will kick off with Lily Ray and Inna Zeyger from Amsive Digital, covering the most important topics for SEO and PPC in 2023. Additional cutting-edge keynotes feature Purna Virji, LinkedIn and Liraz Margalit. And if you want to know what the future of performance marketing will look like, then this is your chance to hear it from none other than the VP Analytics & CMO of Meta, Alex Schultz. His fireside chat, together with Curt Simon Harlinghausen, Managing Director at Miele X is one of the most anticipated sessions for this year’s event.

All SMX session are tactical, actionable, and just what online marketers need in tough times.

Here are a few of the highlights:

  • The Rise of AI: Beyond the Theory – Tools, Use-Cases & More with Bastian Grimm, Peak Ace
  • Modern PPC Account Structures with Aaron Levy, Tinuiti
  • Advanced Tips for Leveraging Google MUM in Your SEO Strategy with Cindy Krum, MobileMoxie
  • Local PPC Strategies That Work for any Budget with Mark Irvine, SearchLab
  • Mastering the Creation & Testing of RSAs with Brad Geddes, Adalysis
  • How to Use Google to Supercharge Your Amazon Listings and Visa Versa with Dan Saunders, Evergreen Finance London
  • State of Search 2023 From a Data Perspective with Marcus Tober, SEMrush
  • A Match Made in Heaven: Video Content and E-Commerce with Izzi Smith, In a Nutshell
  • Combining Content Strategy with PPC Targeting and Bid Automation Layered on Top: Here is Your Roadmap! With Christi Olson, Microsoft
  • Architecting 3D content: what video structuring can teach us about the metaverse SEO [an experiment] with Emilija Gjorgjevska, MediaMarktSaturn Tech & Wordlift
  • Tools & Techniques to Timely Troubleshoot JavaScript Issues with Martin Splitt, Google and Ulrika Viberg, Unikorn
  • The Lost Art of Natural Linking with Dan Petrovic, DEJAN Marketing
  • Scale Your Search Campaigns With Bulk Uploads and Ad Customizers with Christopher Gutknecht, bergzeit

Click here to see the full programme.

NB: Most sessions are held in English; some are held in German. All sessions are labeled with a language flag.

If there’s one conference you don’t want to miss in 2023, it’s SMX Munich!

Want to dive even deeper into search marketing knowledge? Check out our Workshops!

There are three workshops on offer the day before SMX. Each workshop is an entire day of intensive work on your topic with top experts in a small group. You can hardly use the day before SMX more effectively.

Choose from:

  • Advanced Technical SEO Workshop with Bastian Grimm, Peak Ace
  • International SEO Strategies & Tactics with the WebCertain Pros
  • Advanced Google Ads Workshop with Brad Geddes, Adalysis

Click here for the overview and more information.

Combined tickets (conference plus workshop) with a price advantage are available.

Our Partners

There is no better place to extend your knowledge than meeting our partners in the exhibition area. A key difference at SMX to many other events is that here, every exhibitor is relevant. You will meet with the top experts of companies that shape the search marketing business to discuss your questions. Our partners even have some fun events in store, including a casino where you can test your search marketing knowledge and win cool prizes.

Here is a full list of our exhibitors and partners.


It is finally time to network again in person. And at SMX you will have plenty of opportunity to do so. From coffee and lunch breaks to a dedicated networking evening event, SMX After Dark, on March 15th, to discuss all your learnings with like-minded people, make new contacts, reunite with friends, and meet and mingle with the speakers.

And although people come to SMX for the top-notch content, there is always highest praise for the delicious food and drinks provided – all of it is included in your ticket price.

NB – the SMX After Dark event is included in some ticket categories. Click here for the ticket overview.

Ready to conquer challenges and tackle the future of search marketing?

Get your ticket here and secure the best deal by using the exclusive Don’t Panic discount code dontpaniclsmx (15% discount)

The SMX Team is looking forward to welcoming you in Munich.

Join the Digital Awards Community and Judge some of the worlds most highly respected Digital Awards.

It’s time to become a Judge for the Don’t Panic Awards Series.

Don’t Panic deliver digital awards around the world and pride themselves on the transparent and ethical judging process they use to ensure results can be trusted by entrants, clients and the industry.

Why Become an Awards Judge?

Judging Awards is a great way to give back to your industry and build upon your personal and professional brand. It is an opportunity to meet fellow professionals from around the world and share your experiences and knowledge for the greater benefit of the digital industry as a whole.

Being a judge is not easy! You will have multiple entries to judge for each category you are allocated, but you will be evaluating the best campaigns, software and teams, which is an honour. Many of our judges return year on year to be part of the awards process and to celebrate the incredible achievements of all our entrants.

Ethical, Trusted, Accredited

Don’t Panic Awards judges follow a robust two-step judging process that includes pre-scoring to establish a shortlist and judge discussion to determine an overall winner, and in some cases a silver award. We ask that all judges give feedback to all entrants, to provide them with help and advice regarding perfecting work and entries.

Our Awards have been accredited by the Independent Awards Standards Council, with all of our Awards that are over 2 years old accredited as ‘Outstanding.’ Visit our Awards page to see which of our awards suit your expertise. We have Awards that celebrate Search, Culture, Content, Business Tech and more.

Joining our judging panel aligns your personal and professional brand with ours!

We don’t pay our judges, nor do we charge our judges. In return for your hard work and dedication we provide you with Judge assets, an invitation to blog or contribute content to our audience and an invitation to attend the winners’ ceremony where you have opportunity to meet fellow judges and finalists.

How to Apply to be a Judge

If you, or someone you know, work brand side and want to get involved with judging Awards accredited ‘Outstanding’ by the Independent Awards Standards Council, email: [email protected]

The Importance of Recognising Your Rising Star

Rising Star Awards celebrate individuals who are setting the benchmark in your organisation for innovative thinking, commitment to goals and personal contribution to the success of the overall business.

Why Enter Your Rising Star?

The Rising Star is a much-coveted title and just being nominated for a Rising Star Award by your Senior Management Team means the world to nominees.

In 2021 Kendra Rogers from psLondon won the Rising Star at the UK Content Awards, bumping into her at the 2022 event, where she handed her crown to Jasmine McKenzie from Absolute Digital Media.

Kendra Says…

“It was such an honour to win the Rising Star award at the UK Content Awards in 2021. It meant recognition for the work that I’ve done with psLondon, but also recognition of all of the growth that I’ve achieved throughout my career in Content Marketing – both in the UK and in Canada. Each accomplishment in my professional career laddered up to that exciting moment last year, where the belief of my team, clients and all of the mentors and friends who’ve supported me in my career culminated.”

What a Rising Star does for your Agency!

The Rising Star Award also impacts on the business as a whole. Employees see a nomination and the competition as a career goal and focus on achieving results for the business and their team. Although awarded to an individual, it is always the team that celebrates the win.

Peaky Digital celebrated the nomination of Chloe Davison for the UK Agency Awards, Rising Star category by sharing their reasons for putting Chloe forward and how they feel to have such talent in their ranks.

“With less than three year’s experience in the industry, Chlöe has worked exhaustively since she arrived at Peaky Digital in 2020 as a Digital Marketing Assistant – earning multiple promotions off the back of her success and stepping into the role of Social & Email Manager this month. Since day one, Chlöe has been passionate about upskilling and eager to take on new challenges, becoming a pivotal part of Peaky’s leadership team that has seen the company grow from five to twenty employees since her arrival. As a small, boutique agency, we’re delighted that the hard work Chlöe has poured into her role and craft is being recognised at a national level

India Gumbley, Strategic Director, said: “The Rising Star award is a great way to recognise the work of talented and fast-climbing young individuals in our sector, and we’re so excited that this includes Chlöe! She’s an integral part of our team and her dedication is inspiring.”

What the Judges Say…

Judges also love the Rising Star competition. They believe that recognition of new talent is an investment in the future, not only of individual companies but in the digital industry as a whole and the awards can be a driving force in keeping the digital industry at the cutting edge of development.

David Chadderton a judge at the Northern Digital Awards and UK Company Culture Awards agrees

For me, the Rising Star Award is the most interesting category. Entries showcase some of the brightest talent in the industry. Entries are always varied but each has one thing in common – a gifted individual who is smashing their world and destined to become a future leader.  As a judge, you get a snapshot into someone’s journey as a (digital) marketer and the opportunity to help them get the recognition and reward they deserve. Judging this award is truly a gift and privilege. To everyone out there – if you have someone who sets your world on fire, nominate them for the Rising Star Award, it’s about the best thing you can do for them.”

Why Not?

Agencies are sometimes reluctant to nominate employees for the Rising Star Award as they fear they will be tempted to pursue a career elsewhere, however, our nominees and winners tell us differently. They agree that the respect and faith shown in them through their nomination increases their loyalty and commitment and if anything makes them drive further to prove their worth. Yes, their profiles are checked out by the competition, but in the digital community, it is often to wish them well and to make connections, and we all know connections work both ways. Their win not only enhances their personal profile it heightens employee reputation too and this can only attract talent interested in your company.

Companies who have already celebrated their Rising Stars include Absolute Digital Media , Content Square, Yrs Truly, psLondon, Wiro Agency, connective 3, Receptional, Scoro, Pixel Nordic, Wavemaker and Results Repeat to name a few in 2022.

Time To Act!

So, look around your team today. Who do you feel is your Rising Star? You might have more than one. Invest in their future, support their development and give them the industry recognition they deserve. It is simply the right move!

Don’t Panic Awards celebrate Rising Stars and individuals who are crushing the digital industry! Join us.

What Judges want to see in a Rising Star Entry – Judge, Hannah Smith has completed a fictional entry to the category to help you shine the spotlight on your Rising Stars.

2023 and We Are Off!

2023 is off with lightning speed at Don’t Panic with the excitement of this year’s plans motivating the entire team to get underway with delivering our packed calendar of events and activities.

We are kicking off this year with the new UK Digital Excellence Awards followed by the APAC Search Awards and the Northern Digital Awards. We are thrilled to be able to start the year with a new event to the portfolio, but also love the Northern Digital Awards and the APAC Search Awards, both of which have seen exponential growth this year.

In February we will be heading out to Pubcon Texas to connect with the digital marketing community in the US. We are delighted to be taking part in this event as exhibitors, and are very much looking forward to discussing how our awards assist in the growth of those who enter, and the ethical and transparent approach we adopt when delivering all our awards.

In March we will also be exhibiting at SMX Munich and banging the European drum when it comes to search marketing. We are extremely excited to connect with familiar and new faces at this two-day event on March 15-16.

May will see the return of our European Search Awards in Lisbon. This year will be slightly different as we will be hosting the European Search and Sundowners event the day prior to the awards on May 24. This fringe event already has a confirmed panel of fantastic speakers and will add further value for those attending the awards the next day. We will also be discussing how to craft the perfect award winning entry, so the event is not to be missed.

We are also extremely excited and privileged to announce that the partnership we made with Diginius in 2022 has been renewed for 2023, with the Diginius team headlining our European, Global, US & UK Search Awards along with our UK Paid Media Awards and European Search & Sundowners event.

Diginius provide automated technology including advertising management software that monitors, measures and reports results across digital performance, delivering visibility and transparency for all and are already assisting many of our entrants across their digital marketing efforts.

May will be an extremely busy month for us as we will be hosting our Dubai Marketing Mixer on May 17. Topics being discussed will include AI tools, SEO & UX, strategic digital marketing, building a successful agency and more. This will be a free to attend event and will provide a great opportunity for networking within the region.

We are also exited to announce the Global Search Awards will take place as a live in person event this year, the first time since its inception in 2020. We will be announcing the location at this year’s European Search Awards but as always, we can guarantee a great location to celebrate the very best the world has to offer across the Search industry.

That takes us through to July, when in the Summer we will need time to take a breath and regroup for the final six months of the year. We will keep you updated on our news via our Don’t Panic Newsletter – you can sign up for ours and industry news below.

The Don’t Panic team and I look forward to catching up with you at our events throughout the year.

Helen Barkley, Managing Director

We Are Heading to PubCon!

Don’t Panic and We Are Search are heading to Pubcon 2023, Austin, Texas.

In its 21st year Pubcon is taking place on February 27 and 28 at the AT&T Conference Centre.

The event presents leading industry experts offering the latest strategies in SEO, PPC, Local Search, Social media, Content and Digital Marketing and more.

Come and talk to our MD, Helen Barkley and Head of Sales, Stephanie Gianfriglia about how we support the digital industry with our Digital Awards programmes around the globe and fringe and networking events.

2022 – That’s a Wrap!

2022 is drawing to a close and as always, I like to reflect and share my thoughts the Don’t Panic Year.

I am not sure wild is a strong enough word to describe the past 12 months! It has been a rollercoaster of a ride that I don’t think I, or the team could have predicted.

We entered this year with a postponed Northern Digital Awards due to the threat of Covid continuing to decimate the hospitality and events industry. It wasn’t the start of the year we had hoped for.

However, the winds of change were in our favour! From postponing our first live event of the year we have gone on to achieve many firsts that I am extremely proud of and some of which have become real career highlights for me personally and hopefully the team I am lucky to manage.

We achieved our first live international event after 2 years of virtual-only events. From the stunning venue in Barcelona to the electric atmosphere when each of the finalists entered the room and collected their awards European Search was just a joy to be a part of from beginning to end. The event was a sell-out with us having no tickets left after 3 weeks of sales which we genuinely never anticipated.

We then went on to sell out many of this year’s events which may not seem like a huge achievement but going from not being able to fill a venue with more than 6 people per table,2 metres apart, to now sourcing larger venues to accommodate the growth of our award programmes is a huge achievement in less than 12 months.

We then boxed off the 33 events in our 2022 calendar with the infamous UK Search Awards which I must say was stunning! 650 old and new faces descended on the Big Top in central London for an incredible evening of celebration and entertainment that I can safely say continued into the very early hours of the next day. Again, this has been another favourite of mine this year and an incredible showcase of talent within the UK Search scene.

Our Culture Club, which we introduced last year, has had a busy year with social events, initiatives and reminding us all to take care of our mental well-being. They have some great things planned for next year and are an integral part of making Don’t Panic an amazing place to work and thrive.

Due to the expansion in most areas of the business, we also moved into a larger office to accommodate our team who although still operating a hybrid working pattern come together regularly to collaborate in a larger more productive workspace.

So, all in all, we have had the most incredible year and one that feels very much like a bounce back and worlds apart from the previous two. It feels great to be back doing what we love and especially on an international scale. It is however not lost on us that none of this would be possible without the support of some incredible people and businesses.

I would like to thank all our entrants old and new who have entered each of our awards and demonstrated just what a talented industry we are part of. To all our judges who have spent tireless hours judging each of the entries received and made some incredibly difficult decisions we thank you for your continued support. To all our sponsors and partners, your investment in our events ensures that we can deliver the most spectacular celebrations for the digital community and is hugely appreciated by us and all of those who enter and attend. And thank you to the clients some of whom we have previously worked with who have entrusted us to deliver their events many of which returned for the first time this year.

On a personal note, I would like to thank Nicky Wake our Founder, Michelle Graham our Finance Director and Richard Gregory our Non-Exec Director for their unwavering support of me this year especially as this is my first full financial year as MD. The trust you instil in me is incredible but the support and knowledge you provide is invaluable and something that I value immensely.

And finally, I want to thank the entire Don’t Panic team for all of their efforts and dedication this year. One of the biggest lessons I have learnt as an MD is to surround yourself with people who inspire you, motivate you and teach you things you wouldn’t have known because that is what makes a business and team great. I can safely say each member of our team inspires me, motivates me and teaches me things I didn’t previously know and for that, I am grateful so thank you.

We have some incredibly exciting things planned in the New Year which I will announce upon our return in January. For now, we are going to take a well-deserved and needed break with the Don’t Panic office closing on December 23rd and reopening on January 3rd.

From all of us at Don’t Panic we wish you, your teams and your families the most wonderful Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

Helen Barkley

Managing Director


UK Search Awards 2022 -Bigger and Better than Ever!

The UK Search Awards extended deadline passed on Friday and as usual, entrants left it right up to the wire with their submissions. However, we are delighted to say that we have had unprecedented numbers of entries from companies located across the UK!

It is incredible to see the Awards growing year on year, especially as entries demonstrate the extremely high calibre of work the UK Search industry is producing and the pride that companies have in their campaigns, software and teams. Congratulations to all our entrants – you are setting creative and innovative benchmarks for the industry to celebrate.

The shortlist will be announced later this month, on Friday, 21st October and tickets will officially go on sale for the event at The Bloomsbury Big Top, London on Wednesday, 30th November.

The Don’t Panic team have planned a spectacular evening at this exciting and fun venue and of course, there will be the ‘infamous’ afterparty!

Sponsorship packages for the event are still available and can be tailor-made to suit your budget. If your target audience is PPC, SEO and Content experts you will want to be part of the Search Awards community as they celebrate their achievements over the past year.

Benefits of Sponsoring the Search Awards

  • High-profile branding to UK Search companies, and the wider Search community around the world via We Are Search
  • Raise your profile within the industry
  • Opportunity to connect and network with your audience at the event
  • Align your business to a ceremony that celebrates the best of Search
  • Cost-effective recruitment with the very best talent in the room

There are several sponsorship opportunities available including Headline, Social Wall and Category Sponsor. As a sponsor your logo and message will appear in pre-event promotional materials such as email and social, will be included in the event programme and appear on the screen during the awards. You can also talk to us about branding a shot glass, vodka luge, glow stick and more!

To get involved in the celebrations email Helen Barkley to discuss your package.

Last year, we experienced the same exceptional growth at the European Search Awards which were live in Barcelona.

Following the event sponsors shared their thoughts.

CleverAds – Drinks Reception Sponsor

“I want to congratulate you on behalf of CleverAds for your professional performance in the organization. It was a pleasure for us to be involved in such an amazing event.” Marta Fernandez, Marketing Director

Majestic – Step and Repeat Sponsor

Majestic is delighted to sponsor the 10th Anniversary European Search Awards in Barcelona. Our history of involvement in the European Search Awards dates back to their inception in 2012. Since that memorable evening in Amsterdam, this celebration of excellence in Search and Digital marketing has toured Europe, showcasing the very best this continent has to offer. We offer our congratulations to the team at Don’t Panic for building an awesome set of events that enrich the marketing calendar.” Philip Aggrey, Head of Commercial Operations

Advanced Web Ranking – Photo Booth Sponsor

“The Advanced Web Ranking team was thrilled to sponsor the photo booth at this year’s Don’t Panic event. Thank you to the Search Community for the opportunity to be part of the European Search Awards! This partnership opens the door to exciting opportunities for all of us to get involved and connect with others who are passionate about digital search. We can see everyone had a great time and hope they made marvellous memories with fun photos!” 

Philip Petrescu – Caphyon

Download Your Sponsorship Brochure Here

2022 Update from the MD, Helen Barkley

We usually send a round-up of the highs and lows of Don’t Panic at the
end of the year, however, given the fast-paced, ever-changing events
landscape of the last 12 months, I believe a 6-month reflection is

We headed into 2022 with hope, but reticence as to how the event
landscape was going to look, given the threat of new variants and the
possible return of lockdown. Fast forward to now, and we could not be any
more positive.

Despite our nervous disposition, we pushed on and the start of the year
began with the most spectacular return to our international events. The
long-anticipated live European Search Awards took place in the beautiful
city of Barcelona at the historic Llotja de Mar. Not only did we get to travel
once again, and do what we love doing, but we sold out the event, live
streamed to eagle-eyed viewers watching from afar and were trending on

I am pleased to say this trend (excuse the pun) has continued with the sell-out of both the UK Agency Awards in September and the UK Business Tech Awards in October. We always believed there would be a return to live events, however, the pace of this return has amazed us! I would like to thank everyone who has joined us to celebrate their achievements, all our judges who have continued to show their commitment and the sponsors who supported us along the way.

This year’s success doesn’t stop there. We may not be growing at an exponential rate, but I am pleased to say we are growing sustainably and have introduced some incredible new members to the Don’t Panic team. Across 2022, we have welcomed our new Graphic Designer, Kyle, Account Executives, Jordan and Joe, our new Content Apprentice, Isobel, new Event Manager, Emily, and Event Assistant Allison.

In terms of personnel, we have also grown a new member of the Don’t Panic team, the very beautiful baby boy of our Operations Manager Sarah. We are already missing Sarah, but no one on maternity leave ever really leaves us and we will look forward to welcoming her back into the fold when she is ready, and supporting her newfound role as a Mum.

The growth we have experienced has left us needing to invest in a bigger space for all our team to come together and collaborate. Despite operating a flexible policy around where our team members work it seems they like to come together and needed a brighter and bigger space which is conducive to their creativity. So, one year after our last office move, we have moved again!! This is a huge milestone for us as an Events Agency and one I would like to thank the Don’t Panic team for making it possible.

Internally we have seen positive developments in our culture, and the satisfaction of employees. Last year we introduced our Culture Club which has been an integral part of keeping all our team motivated and has delivered some much-needed fun in our busiest months. I am also over the moon to report that each member of the Don’t Panic team has reported that they would recommend us as a great place to work. 100% of the team also reported that they feel free to open and voice opinions and ideas whilst also having a clear understanding of the company and individual work objectives.

Personally, I believe this is our biggest achievement of 2022 so far. Our team are the lifeblood of Don’t Panic. They turn up day after day with a smile and an excess of energy and passion for delivering our ever-growing portfolio of events and celebrating your success.

I am beyond proud and grateful to get to work alongside the team every day!

Speaking of the team, they will be out and about at awards events, conferences, exhibitions and networking events over the next 6 months, so if you see them, say hello, they are a friendly bunch!

Going Gold with the Awards Trust Mark

The Team at Don’t Panic is delighted and proud to announce that their Awards Trust Mark Accreditation for 2022 has arrived and we achieved Outstanding on 28 of our Digital Awards.

The Awards Trust Mark is awarded by the Independent Awards Standard Council which runs the accreditation programme with the goal of enhancing trust between award entrants and the organisations running them.

To receive the outstanding accreditation the Awards must have been running for at least a year. The council requires the business to agree to an extensive list of elements and sign their code of conduct as well as having their work validated through randomly selected awards’ judges and entrants.

Don’t Panic has also been accredited for their two new Award events the MENA Agency Awards and UK Digital Excellence Awards both of which are in their first year. We have no doubt that next year these will receive their ‘Advanced” quickly followed by the ‘Outstanding’ accreditation we strive for on all of our awards.

We believe that Awards are only valuable to the digital industry when they are trusted by entrants and their employees and clients. We strive to be the best Digital Awards organisers in the world and work with leading industry experts, who give up their time for free, to ensure that entries are competently judged against appropriate judging criteria and that the shortlist and winners are worthy winners.

Meet Alex – Head of Events

After being away on maternity leave, it is great to be back!

People always say, ‘it feels like I have never been away,’ and this is true! However, there have been changes over the past 12 months and exciting times are ahead.

Whilst I was away, the Don’t Panic team worked tirelessly to deliver virtual events during the dark days of covid, and when lockdown was lifted, they brought back as many live events as they could. This tenacity and determination has seen the business grow, and over recent months has seen us hiring across all departments.

So, I left as Senior Event Manager and came back as Head of Events, and now I am managing a team of 4 incredible women (we didn’t have any men apply for the vacancies!) and we are looking for 1 more – everyone welcome.

Despite the growth, I have slotted back into working life with the team easily. I have already been lead at a live Awards celebration, been on a site visit and menu tasting in Barcelona and worked on a client event!

I think what has made it so easy to return is because Don’t Panic have stayed in touch throughout my maternity leave, and I never felt less of a team member being on leave, than had I been at work. I had invites to all the socials and invites for my son Otis to visit the office for fun days.

What’s My Plan?

There is nothing like a live event so I want to see as many as we can over the coming year. Search is top of my agenda as European Search in Barcelona was a sell-out, we intend to build upon this with fringe events taking place around the ceremony itself. The US Search Awards are already live again in Las Vegas, UK Search is heading to a bigger, better venue this year, The Bloomsbury Big Top in London, and following the incredible success of the still virtual Global Search Awards in 2022 we are determined to get it live in 2023! Following that MENA and APAC Search we are coming for you!

In addition to the Awards, which remain a huge priority, we are also starting work again with clients to deliver launches, expos, conferences and festivals. As a team we are always looking to change things up, so working with new clients will be an exciting adventure, but you can quote me on this ‘there isn’t anything we can’t do!’

Personally, 2023 sees me getting married to Josh. 3rd time lucky! Not in husbands, but in venues. Covid put pay to our first wedding date, the venue burning down (no word of a lie) prevented the second wedding date, so one way or another we are getting married next year whether that is in a beautiful barn overlooking Rivington (already booked) or last-minute flights to Vegas!

I will be heading out to Awards, industry events and networking socials over the coming year to build relationships with our award entrants and industry clients, so I look forward to meeting you.

Alex Rimmer

Don't Just Take Our Word For It


Don't Panic has been an invaluable partner to the Craft Beer Marketing Awards.

Their unwavering dedication and expertise has played a pivotal role in the evolution and growth of the CBMAS competition each season.
Jimm & Jackie
Craft Beer Marketing Awards
From the initial planning stages to the execution of the event, their team demonstrated unparalleled professionalism, creativity, and attention to detail. Don’t Panic perfectly understood our vision and went the extra mile to ensure it was brought to life. It was like having an extended department within our business!
Dale Hicks, Director
The Fashion Network
We've sponsored multiple events in conjunction with Don't panic over the last couple of years. It's been a key route for us to, develop sort of brand visibility and brand recognition. Coming to the awards gives us the opportunity to get in front of 50 or even 100. The events are so well run, everything works like clockwork.
Richard Ingles, Sales Director
Don’t Panic Events continues to raise the bar of their events each and every year. Participating in each of the Search Awards is always a special experience for us as an organization, they provide an opportunity to celebrate the successes of our amazing industry with so many of our clients, partners and colleagues, all in one room.
Jennifer Hoffman, Marketing Director
Lumar (formerly DeepCrawl)

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