What to Wear to An Awards Ceremony

Award Season has arrived, so the burning question is what to wear?
Dress to Impress – a phrase that puts fear in us all is demystified by the Don’t Panic Team.
As event organisers, we are uniquely placed to offer advice and guidance as you navigate through the season.
Dress to Impress! What does that even mean?
According to Google’s AI ‘dress to impress’ means semi-formal or cocktail attire! We don’t know about you, but that definition is as clear as mud! You can drink cocktails wearing anything you like!
Given Don’t Panic run awards throughout the year where we meet attendees with the same what to wear questions, here is our advice!
Comfortable and Confident
Whatever you wear to an awards ceremony, make sure you feel comfortable and confident. Formal or semi-formal wear might not be your thing, so we recommend you do you for a special occasion.

Black Tie and Cocktail Dress?
Yes, absolutely wear black tie, or a wow dress! If you are celebrating and your aim is to look mighty fine, then these options are not going to look out of place. At every award we have ever delivered, and those we have attended, there are always guests who opt for suits and black ties, and dresses of all colours, shapes and lengths with accessories to match. It is all about personal preference.
Jeans or Trousers
This is a controversial subject. The reputation of jeans being casual (dare we say scruffy) is long gone and paired with the right shirt, blouse and or jacket can look impressive. If you feel happy to network, take to the stage and shake some moves on the dancefloor in your jeans then we say ‘why not?’

Shoes – Flat, High or Trainers
If you are attending an event with a drinks reception you are going to be on your feet for an hour at least, chatting, networking and taking advantage of photo-opportunities and there may not be seating available. Avoid shoes that maybe a trip hazard, if you are at an awards event and win you will be taking to the stage which inevitably means steps. From our experience most events will include dancing so unless you want to go barefoot to the dancefloor bare this in mind when making your choice. Our advice is to be comfortable whether that means flats, heels, platforms or boots!
Work Wear
When life is busy you can find yourself going to an event straight from work with no time to change! If you are comfortable, then no worries you will always be welcome. However, if you are not comfortable in your work wear, then it will require some planning in advance! That might mean thinking about what you are wearing to work and how you can adapt it or dressing for your event and wowing your colleagues all day. Alternatively, ask your event organisers if there is space for you to change and freshen up at the venue.
Three Important Questions to Ask Yourself
What Impression Do You Want to Make?
Your style says everything about you and can help you spark a conversation, make a business connection and attract opportunities.
How do you want to look in the photographs from the night?
Events are the perfect opportunity to promote your business and brand especially when it comes to marketing during and after. Pictures of the event will be available for you and your team to use and will inevitably be used for event promotion. This is an opportunity to shine, your way.
What is the Venue and What Time of Year is the Event?
Why does this matter I hear you ask? Well, it appears to us that summer events have a more casual air. If the weather is warm, you can see jackets cast aside and let’s be honest more flesh on show. Equally if temperatures fall jackets become a must and tights and long dresses make an appearance. In Summer events may negotiate indoor and outdoor spaces, in Winter travelling to and from venues will involve coats, scarves and umbrellas! So, as well as being comfortable, be practical too.
Dress to Impress?
Somewhere, hidden in this statement is the answer to what to wear. We think it lies in who you want to impress and that is a balance between you and your comfort zone and the impression you want to make on fellow attendees.
Whether you dress up, do smart-casual or just arrive looking relaxed if you are happy you are going to have a great time, and that is what matters most.