One Minute Briefs Share their experience of entering Awards!
We asked One Minute Briefs, winners of Best Use of Social Media at the Northern Digital Awards, about their experience of entering awards and the impact it had on the team and the Ombles community!

Don’t Panic Q: Do you find the process of entering awards in terms of review and development beneficial?
Nick: As entries are judged on a number of different criteria, it encourages you to evaluate your results based on objectives and budgets etc. Effectiveness is as important as the original idea, and it’s important not to forget that.
Evaluation is beneficial to help you improve, but also to look back on a project well done and recognise its merit is helpful for moving forward. As the digital industry is so fast paced, you are always onto the next thing.
Don’t Panic Q: After you were shortlisted, did you use your finalist assets to promote your success?
Nick: We shared finalist assets across all socials. Having the assets alongside links is great as they are distinctive and provide a good focal point to the content you share about awards. The Ombles responded well the posts as every shortlist or win is for the followers as a whole.
Don’t Panic Q: You won Best Use of Social Media at the Northern Digital Awards in 2022. How did this affect your clients and team?
Nick: The win reflects well on the community and what we can achieve together. I always share our nominations and wins as I want everyone to feel part of every achievement, OMB wouldn’t be a thing without them. It is also great for our own team to have our hard work recognised too.
Overall I think entering awards is important for team-building, improving output and helping you go above and beyond for your clients to make impactful work.
It’s good to compete with other brilliant agencies and have the chance to see and celebrate all of the other great work out there too.
We are always very proud to have our work recognised.
Follow Nick and the team @OneMinuteBriefs or visit the website Bank of Creativity.
Download your Northern Digital Entry Form or visit our awards page to see how entering an awards can be beneficial to you.