Need help compiling your entries?

Help is at hand! We’ve teamed up with awards experts Boost Awards (the world’s first and largest award entry consultancy), who can help you with your entry. They can offer the following discounted service to those entering these awards:
A ‘starter for ten’ for £500 + VAT – a one hour call to explore your story, after which Boost will draft a ‘storyboard’ for your entry within a week.
This document will provide you with a recommended angle, key evidence points, and entry structure to align your story with all the elements of the entry form and the scoring system. It will not only increase your chances of success, it will make it far quicker for you to create a clear, punchy, focused and well evidenced entry that wows the judges. Further assistance is available on request should you need Boost to do more of the writing, evidence of graphic design of your entry than within the scope of this introductory offer.
Boost can help you enter any of the Don’t Panic Awards whether they are Search, Content, Digital, ECommerce, Business Tech and they can help whatever region you are working in.
To accept this offer, please email [email protected]